“Each of the four tunes is unique but tied together by Fetzer’s conceptual vision as he pushes the groove in various moods and directions without breaking a sweat.”
- American Songwriter
“This instrumental [“Mendocino”] desert-rock piece is a big ‘ol slice of mood served up hot. This has all the allure of spaghetti western tracks, plus a pop of funky bass/low guitar work, high-drama string chops, and an overall sense of fully-earned cool. Radness.”
- Independent Clauses
Wherever Fetzer takes his Telecaster, you can expect the melody lines to be clean and crisp and to lead off into places you didn't expect. Today, Fetzer has announced he's launching a new label just for instrumental music called Fetzicon. And its first release is a doozy.
- Nashville Scene
[“Mendocino“] is a dark and rich piece that ever so slightly recalls "Rebel Rouser," one of the signature tunes of guitar legend (and Nashville resident) Duane Eddy. And appropriately enough, Eddy himself — someone whose work beginning in the 1950s has shaped the way we hear and think about electric guitars — plays on the track.
- Nashville Scene